I’m Laura Asherman, documentary filmmaker, sculptor, and educator. After growing up in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I moved to Georgia, where I became fascinated with the South and its web of complicated stories. I’m interested in the manifestation of intergenerational trauma, environmental racism, and artists who use their work for social justice.
In 2022, I co-directed Crisis of Substance, a Southeast Emmy-winning PBS documentary about the opioid epidemic in Georgia. Through my production company, Forage Films, I’ve directed and shot documentaries aired on PBS, VICE, and HBO and content for brands such as Red Lobster, Parents Magazine, and Colgate. My independent films have played at RiverRun, Maryland, Sidewalk, Atlanta Jewish, and Cucalorus film festivals, among others. And between 2018 and 2020, I served as a Kiva fellow and created videos in Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and Guatemala.
Outside of filmmaking, I create stop-motion animation, zines, lino prints, and figurative ceramic sculptures. After completing my MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts from Duke University in 2023, I moved back to Atlanta where I am teaching film and directing Ethics & the Arts at Emory University.
Contact: laura@foragefilms.com